"We have fallen heirs to the most glorious heritage a people have ever received, and each one of us must do his part if we wish to show that the nation is worthy of its good fortune."
Theodore Roosevelt
Our forefathers, in their wisdom, established the national parks as magnificent places to be forever held in the public trust . . . to be cared for by all of us. Today, we recognize that our parks -- the lands, and their resources -- have helped to define our vision and values as a nation.
Yet, in a cover story, National Geographic magazine warned us that "our national parks are in peril" -- and citizen stewardship has become essential for their continued conservation and protection.
Here in Tucson, explosive urban growth has resulted in habitat fragmentation -- threatening the biological diversity and ecological processes of Saguaro National Park. Encroaching urban development threatens scenic Sonoran Desert viewsheds, and negatively impacts the Park's treasured wilderness qualities.
The continuing spread of invasive plant species, such as buffelgrass, puts the Park's namesake -- the giant Saguaro cacti -- at risk from fire.
The Park continuously struggles to maintain its popular trail system . . . and ever-increasing resources must be devoted to law enforcement due to the Park's proximity to the international border -- leaving less money for critical research and monitoring of the Park's natural and cultural resources.
You Can Help us protect this irreplaceable treasure that is Saguaro National Park, and heed Theodore Roosevelt's admonition that each of us needs to fulfill his or her responsibility for environmental stewardship.
Your tax-deductible gift to Friends of Saguaro National Park will help us fulfill our mission to protect Saguaro National Park for future generations. Your gift will entitle you to receive our bi-annual newsletter.
The contribution of your time and talent to Saguaro National Park will help the National Park Service fulfill its conservation and interpretive mission. You can volunteer by contacting the FOSNP office or either Park visitor center.
Stay Informed
Be aware of federal actions (and appropriations) impacting our national parks. Sign up for the FOSNP e-newsletter and e-mail project updates, to keep abreast of the latest news, and to learn more about stewardship opportunities at Saguaro National Park. And of course, we invite you to regularly check this website for all current News & Events.